Tuesday, February 28, 2012

This is one of the most important keys to living a truly happy, and stress free life. We tend to so often stress about the future, or dwell on the hurt from before. Our minds are constantly spinning to the point where we forget to savor the moment we are currently in before it becomes another regret in our past.

Benefits of Living In The Now
Living in the present, and having a current state of mind is proven to rid yourself of anxiety, depression and stress. Savoring the moment without having to worry about the future or the past will leave you feeling liberated, and just free.

Ways To Live In The Present

1. Quiet Your Busy Mind
Quiet your mind and just be. Instead of thinking about, and analyzing every little aspect of your life, just do. You will feel so much better, like a hundred pound weight lifted of your shoulders. Next time you go out with your girlfriends, instead of thinking about how everyone is going to stare if you dance, just dance and let go of your inhibittions. You will feel like a brand new person.

2. Think Like A Dog
This is a beautiful thing, your dog doesnt remember what happened ten minutes ago, and they have no clue whats going to happen ten minutes from now. Your dog lives completely in the moment, as there is no other way for them. When you feel your mind start to wander, remember, you are right here right now, and nothing that happened before matters nor is anything thats going to happen. Immerse yourself in the present moment you are in.

3. Savor The Moment
A good exercise to start off with is to quiet your wandering mind, and start thinking about what is going on exactly at the moment you are in. Start to describe to yourself exactly what you are doing right now. This will push aside any stresses about the future or your past.

4. Forgive Your Past
Have a lot of hurt in your life stemming from past relationships or instances? As terrible as those things might be, the only way you can truly live in the present is to let go of the past. Write a letter to the people who have hurt you, and tell them you are forgiving them as you have chosen to move forward with your life. You don't have to actually give them the letter, just writing it will release you from the prison those hurtful relationships have kept you in for so long.

5. Realize You Cannot Control The Future
Worrying about the future is the direct result of knowing deep down we cannot control what is going to happen, and for a lot of us, that is a very scary thing. Coming to terms with this can free you from these stresses. Knowing that yes, something bad can happen in the future, but when and if it does, you will handle it then, and you will be okay. Right now, you are happy and at peace so let go of the constant thinking about "what could be" and focus on "what is".

Learning to live in the present is an art perfected by some of the happiest people in our world. To practice this lifestyle, is to get just another step closer to a happier life.


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