Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 10: Take Care Of Yourself

As women, we have a natural instinct to care for everyone else, and put others needs first before our own. This is a wonderful quality to a certain extent, but it can be emotionally and physically draining at times. When life is busy, and our to do list seems to be pages long, it can be difficult to prioritize time for ourselves. However, this is a big reason why we can end up feeling depressed, tired, and at times, resentful. It is crucial to take time to care for your own well being, physical health, and emotional state of mind. Taking time to do this will result in a happier, and more energized lifestyle. Here are some ways to take time out for you.

Take A Bath
After a long, stressful day of work you come home to a messy house. Your first thought is to get to work, and clean. By the time your done, its time to cook. Once dinner has been served and eaten, now its time to scurry around and finish a few other things before bed time. What you have done is productive, but you don't feel accomplished, just exhausted. We often ignore what our bodies are telling us when there is so much to be done and so little time. After a long, busy and stressful day, our bodies need a little break. This doesn't have to be long, but just enough time to de-stress and regroup. A perfect way to do this? Before tackling the chores, kick off your shoes, and soak in a hot bath with a glass of wine. Taking merely 20 minutes to relax is going to completely recharge your battery, and its good for you to be still and rest for a little bit before getting back into busy mode.

Make Time For Things You Enjoy
Everyone has a hobby, I don't care what it is. Wether you enjoy reading, surfing the web, photography, crafts, drawing, writing, etc, everyone has something they can do for hours and not even realize a minute has passed. It is crucial that even when life is hectic, we cannot neglect our hobbies. Making time to do the things you love is going to give you something to look forward to, and can restore happiness when things are tough at work. Try and schedule some time out for yourself to do the things you enjoy!

Pamper Yourself
Bills are due, money is tight, we are in a recession. Trust me your not the only one dealing with this, its a common factor in most peoples lives now days. When you do have spare money, its hard to justify spending it on something as petty as a manicure, massage or trip to the salon. What you end up doing is saving the money for the disaster you know is bound to happen, and eventually you feel run down as you feel you have no money for the luxuries in life you so desperately want. This is such a typical situation, but i am here to tell you that even with money tight, there are still small ways to pamper and reward yourself for being so responsible, and such a hard worker. Set a monetary goal for yourself each month. If you save a certain amount of money from each pay check (hell, this could be even just $10) then at the end of the month, if you reached your goal, you can go splurge a bit with that money. By splurge, I mean, shopping, new pair of shoes, mani pedi, massage, new hairstyle, whatever it is that will make you feel good about yourself inside and out.

Spend Some Time Alone
If your a mother, and even if you are not, finding time to be alone is hard. We tend to feel guilty for wanting to be alone when others demand so much of our time. However, making time to be alone is very important for your mental health and well being. When we are alone, it is much easier to de stress, and enter a state of relaxation. Also, when alone, you have the freedom to do as you please which is a needed break from the constant doing what everyone else wants during the week. If you have kids, find a babysitter for a night and have some me time. No kids? Don't make plans this weekend, and make sure you spend some time by yourself, and do whatever you feel like doing!

Care For Your Outsides
This may sound silly and superficial, but studies show that when you do something to care for your outside appearance (Such as an at home facial, scrubbing your feet, painting your nail etc) It boost your mood. Lets be honest, when you feel good on the outside, it effects how you feel inside as well. Next time your feeling run down, give yourself a facial or a pedi, and get an instant boost in morale.

Get Enough Rest
This is so important. Now days, its so hard to get a decent nights rest with all the stress we encounter on a daily basis. Make sure you are giving yourself time to get a good 6-8 hours of rest each night. Have trouble sleeping? Chamomile tea before bed will relax you, and help you hit the sheets. Also, Melatonin is a natural remedy you can take that will be sure to help you sleep well without feeling groggy the next morning.

Take Care of Your Insides
Physical activity, and a healthy diet is crucial for mental well being. Working out releases endorphins which promote energy and happiness, while eating healthy is going to give you more energy, promote your immune system, and leave you feeling good. Don't forget, we only have one body so taking care of it by being active, and eating well is very important!

Whatever way you decide, make time for yourself. Don't forget that you are a strong person, a hard worker, and you deserve to be cared for. Making time to care for yourself is just another step on your way to leading a happier and more energized lifestyle!


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